The Kentucky Post from Covington, Kentucky (2025)

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Uhl THE POST PRIZES'FOR PLAYERS The Board of Lady Managers of Campbell County Protestant Or- Julia A Rouse qualified intDj County Court yesterday' as admin istratrix of the estate of Bouse Missionaries Hold Election Mrs 8 BaTmcr of Claolniimtl will addrees members of ths Woman's Homs end Foreign Ulnionsry floelety of ths Miami 8yaod in eessloa at the Walnut Hills Luthersa Church Friday on "Tour Hard Problems" Ths sessions close with ths election of jBcsrs lets Friday ASK TOTH DEUEII FOR ON TOBACCO anting the senatorial race from the balance of the ticket and this was adopted The committee decided to abrogate one of the primary rules as the result of the suit Hied against it iif Bowling Green The rijle was that no one should be permitted to ote in the primary on election day unless he would state be had voted for the Democratic nominee for Congress This was objected to by many Democrats as destroying the secrecy of the ballot They also claimed it was inserted to hen weak canauates Under the new ruling no Demoorat who is registered as such will have to make answer to this question Company Refuses to Abolish Open I Hone will give a progressive Shop and Walkout Results Puchre Wednesday Oct 24 at Odd weiIjBton ooct I2 spn- Btl1 Sisth "nd Two hundred memberg of the CVs-went Workers' Union struck at the plant of theAlma Cement Co Ever ince the plant was made an open eliop last spring there has been a feeling between Unlonleta and the non unionists A union committee romPay to hav j0n i lie union or be discharged The company flatly- refused miT (liiurrymen and Miners lsborfi ill Early lYost Blights White Burley Crop and Great Suffering May Develop Among -rs of ohir tucliy and Indiana you will eat -no othe East Pearl-st Phoim Once tried ddress 1 Main 1333 Address 104 WORRY No toomH omooooo at Ureton may be called out 1 Mil E0ITEST IF YOU WANT WANTS TO SEEK Attorney General Lucky in Drawing for Place on the Ballot MAGNETIC POLE I SATURDAY i SPECIAL DIAMONDS Covington Eaglet to' Increase Their Membership SAX FRANCISCO Oct 1 I ho relocated thonorth S- ingnitlcpoleto lnr BULB IS ABROGATED We have barrels of them enough to supply all wants and at prices that they cannot be duplicated for I LUDLOW A contest is being arranged by the members of the Covington Aerie No 339 0 to increase the membership The contest will begin at once and the membership will be equally divided into two clubs The losers will banquet the winners after the close of the contest when the initiation is held Voters Will Not Have to An- swer Question About Congressional Races SEE WINDOW A guaranteed TOOTH brush! genuflie bristles patent wired-In process soft medium or stiff ss desired Many differ-' ent shapes and child's sises Warranted to give satisfaction We bought these to sell at and they 'are splendid value at that prices but ae a starter for tomorrow only we offer them I PI EPER Jeweler 616 Madison Ave Covington Ky DEATHS at 17c euch One only te a customer On sale at 2Gc after tomorrow I7ci The Democratic State executive committee of Kentucky yesterday held a drawing to decide the positions of the various candidates on the ballot in the State primary of Bov 6 1 Little Virginia Hays daughter of Horseman Tom Hays well known In Covington and La-tonis drew the names The order in which they will appear is as follows: Hays and 5 Hager Attorney General-J Hendricks Lillard Carter Superintendent of Public A Gullion 0 Winfrey Commissioner of 11 Crenshaw TV Newman lieutenant Governor South Trimble CHURCH NEWS The Church will have Sunday School at 9:30 a Junior League at 2 and 2:45 Ep-worth League at 6:45 public service at 10:45 a subject Wretched Now service at 7:30 subject Faith Necessary Pastor Rev William Jones The Epworth Business and Social League will hold a meeting at the home of Miss Nsnnie Porter of George-st this evening at 8 o'clock Leonard Van Pelt was arrested last night by Chief of Police Bob allahan on a warrant sworn out by Miss Bessie Richardson charging him with breach of the peace language His trial was held this morning and he was fined $1 and-costs amounting to $0 Marlman of Elm-st who wan at Louisville Ky with his horses returned home yesterday Mr Webber of Latta-av an Cecil have returned home frnr and son Cecil have returned home from Drag Store i THE SHADED LINES SllOW -THE FORM THE FBOST Love Letters of a Real Harold House 1 year 9 months son of George and Gertrude House died yesterday afternoon at his home 13 Powell-st Central Covington Ky He will be buried Sunday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock from the residence Interment at Highland Cemetery Viola Higgins 17 of 1910 Fairmount-av Cincinnati 0 died at her home yesterday of diabetes She formerly lived on German-st Central Covington Funeral services will be held Sunday with interment in Highland Cemetery On the Corner Tth and Madl- i ea-nr opp Market Iloaiw Phone Soath 84S Prracriptloaa a Specialty by the Department of Agriculture trt tobacco experta at 180000000 pounds I Secretary of Hubert I not going to beat the big drum of sentiment and makf wailful none Nothing is so dead as a dead lnfhianm The more a person has been infatuated the more he resents an attempt to galvanize the dull dead thing into life I am wise jrou see to the mid And reasonable too I hope And brave And nave I tell you Do you think I will be a coward and cryont? I make you a present of everything of the love and nappy thoughts of the pleasant dreams and plans of the little prayers sent up and the blessings called there were a great many every day-of the kisses and all the dear sweetness 1 ake it all I want nothing from you in return But do you suppose that having given you all this I am going to give vou my soul as well? To moan my life away my beautiful life? You are not worth it You are not worth anything hardly You are unstable Invertebrate My life shall be splendid in spite of you You shall not cheat me of one single chaw of Schmidt and Mr Anstrnthtr ths November Delineator) We allow no house to undersell ns We offer the greatest values and the most liberal terms Auditor Henry Bos worth Treasurer Buby Laffoon Oerk of Court of John Chenault United States Beckham Jas McCreary Committeeman A Bouse took the ground that the namea of candidates for United States Senator should come first on the ticket Chairman Lewis McQuown who met with the committee for ihe Srst fame took the same ground' Hut -the other members thought they should" come last' thus sep- Kenton Realty Deals transfers recorded yesterday were: Frances and John Darenkamp to Henry and Elisabeth Olding 35 by 89 feet on Johnson-st Coving-ion $1 Dallas Lamb to Ed Walker lots 84 85 86 and 87 in Hall Sanford Hall's subdivision Latonia (1 Four million dollars- damage was done by the heavy frost and freezing weather of early Thursday morning to this crop of hurley tobacco accordl to estimates compiled by ir on the Cincinnati breaks Telegrams poured in during Thursday morning from many sections of the vurley belt giving Information of the damage and ruin which has been worked by the cold snap The hurley belt comprises 34 counties Of Kentucky Ohio and Indiana and from most of them came the messages that frost and ure had worked havoc CUT CROP DAMAGED In sections where the tobacco had not yet been' housed the dear: uction was almost complete In ethers the damage to tobacco already housed was such that an otherwise high grade of burley waa blackened so that when it is cured will produce a low grade snq cheap weed The 1908 tobacco crop is figured $2600 VALUED AT $14400000 Its average grade was figured at cent per pound which would bring the value of the entire bur-ley tobacco crop to $14400000 A losa of 25 per cent on this great crop means that 35000 burley tobacco growers will have to divide among themselves a depreciation in value of $3600000 or more than $100 to each grower CINCINNATI LOSES 'The greatest warehouse losses to be suffered because of the frost and cold weather will come to Cincinnati Reports of the Chamber of Commerce show that the totjl value of arrivals of leaf tobacco in 1905 was $8600000 and for 1004 was $8800000 As this years crop was considered larger than either of the others this value for the 1906 crop will equal if not exceed these figures One-half of this value is vested in the white burley With a 25 per cent loss the Cincinnati traffic is reduced from $4-000000 to $3000000 a shrinkage of $1000000 6 George Keefe trustee to El- ila Dulaney Hall 25 by 100 feet ewr pot ea paper Pm sweet tendemt love By Ae This a wA of "Elizabeth Roiy oaa of the El Paso Tex where they were visiting All the members of the Royal Arcanum Lodge are requested attend the meeting tonight at Masonic Hall ns there is some important work to be cousidered lle-reshments will he served The contracts for the Highwnv sewer and for the Walnut-st sewer were let to Michael Nolan local contractor last night by Council Bids for a sewer in Harris-al snd for the paving with brick of Locust-st will be advertised for in lime for the next Council meeting to he held Oct 25 8 The banks of Ludlow will be requested by Council to bid for the of Ludlow The Ludlow High School foot-mu team which averages 111 pounds is open for games with vmiMne weigbt Address Ldlowv Ivy The Ludlow High School foot- sruX'xrsX'-'za Merges a former footlwll plv Genua Gaidai'' many spieocU feahaca of the len on the south side of Fifth-st 105 feet wist of Montgomery-st Covington $1 Jerome Weaver to Meyer 50 by 187 feet on Osk-st Ludlow $400 NOVEMBER DELINFA TOR PLAYED FIRST GAME The King's Herald Bowling Club of Covington played its first game on Boekweg's alleys last evening On October 25 the club will have ladies' night believe it but what NOBETTER 1 COFFEE i7c 6 lbs for SI 00 Is the Best there is Fashions in Dress Household Matters Butterick Patterns for November Ten and Fifteen Cents The Delineator $100 per Year TGM JENKINS HERE Tom Jenkins former Superintendent of the street railwsy system it Covington and Newport is here on business He expects to leave for Danville Ky tonight- HE- For this superb Steel Range made right here at home of the highest quality of ham- mered range steel1 has deep- and extra heavy fire box asbestos lined a perfect baker LATONIA Death Came Suddenly to Patrick Foley of BLAZE ON ROOF i be Covington Fire Department was summoned last evening to the home of Brown of 1237 -mit-st A defective flue set fire to the roof Loss trifling Licking Valley Council No" 8 in th 7S1 ffVC a arPet social in the lodgeroom Oct 23 Refreah- meiii will be served Mrs Guthrie and daughters Ger- ho'me ft' Iplrn' harr returned home after a three star in Ik II $398 For a Representation at amestown Exposition Patrick Foley 33 of Third-st Covington vwmiijmii to: veteran Ka8t vrirflll 01 Dopmcnt rnnytlon bn held at Winchester rerdy ths following were p- restart tinted Western Union telegraph operator was stricken with paralysis jester-1 IIJw'V'nwmTwv "VTi nKr Our Carpets Russ and Linoleums on a i rales i Wes money Married in Covington County Clerk Vstes yesterday -issued a marriage license to Arthur Bosh 23 and Ethel Garrett 21 of Dayton A marriage license was issued In Covington this morning to Tlllie Blend Coffee 12c Barns Flour $415 New Hominy New Oats New Barley New Shelled Nuts ways and swans committee to secure a building at ths Jamestown Exposition tbs Legiaisturs to make any prevision day afternoon while at work taking Tut hfe7 a message at the office in Cincin- "ll tiiegraphed th He was hurriedly removed to hia JlaU Ident 6ea wilkwM home where physicians worked Countv JiMn 7nIr wa ta hsl to save hfm but in vain Hd died at midnight of harness wer MolsD from th i Foley had been with the Western tonla Ire Co recently til on 85 years and was considered Paducah Second John Atierbln tpP uuuirien so ana ill Install: Third Cohen- 24 both of Hamilton Hrry Unrutur Lb- 1 25 and Let Louisville Jinn: Fifth Burd 51? v1' J3- 0nitawn nth Thos Scott Frankfort Elshth RJTuond: Ninth Taxes Now Due one of tlie best men in the service He came to Covington when a mere PnuliW LouIm rtireter: Eleventh Dr A Oalliffc Wii- C0VINGT0N BRIEFS The Kenton-co Agricultural Association met Wednesday night in and elected Gayle Dr Riffe Manager and Vine President Samuel llsmsburs GeoMMCo bov unci took up the study of tel- pm egraphy He succeeded and 10 jni avoid nn uVtfhahtfx ato PH ARE LOWER THAN EVER We have Ingrain Carpet per yd 23c Up- Ingrain 0x12 Rugs Sold regular for $700 Nearly all We offer Brussels Rugs in very beautiful' patterns and designs worth $1800 for $1398 Axminster of the best quality worth $2500 Special $2 1 eOO Royal Wilton Velvets worth $4000 $3250 We also have Velvet Rugs 9x12 From $2000 to $2800 We make large rugs from carpets 65c Linoleum for 50c laid 75c Linoleum for 0Oc laid Inlaid we have plenty of patterns from 1 QO to 1 35 for best CAN MIX GARBAGE Superintendent of Publio Works Niemeyer of Covington stated this morning that the people could again mix garbage with their ashes beginning Nov 1 There is Groeers and Seedmen COTIJGTOS KY COVINGTON FAMILY THEATRE This beautlfuf Nickeled Btove burns hard or -soft coal keeps fire over night Our lino comprises-all tho new and distinctive Ideas of the products of America's leading and np to date Union Factories in tnre Carpels and Stove copy Foley' operated one of the i company's wires He was a hroth-er-ln-law of Attorney William Byrne of The funeral will take place Mon- nay momin gat 9 o'clock from Rt Cathedral The burial will iakc place at St Marv'a Cem etcry 1 r--neiirer Harry Recrce of 716 Grcer-st who haa been seriously ill with typhoid fever has returned to work He la an rmbalmer at Allison Yates' undertaking establishment Health Officer Wilson returned last night from Mt Sterling and Lexington Ky where he spent bis vacation with friends and relatives NOW OPEN 908 MADISON AVENUE Anximmox so SATURDAY AND MONDAY CANDY SPECIAL Rally Day Installation Inlly day exercise is being nr-ranged for the pupils of Union Sunday School for next Sun- next Sun day morning at 9:30 o'clock cial music and autumnal 210 tad 21 2 5th Street CINCINNATI J'eeam rarameta a mm Regular price 25c per lb 1 OC lee Cream ne V'rt OC wwd Carpets Pee oar Heat I a Starrs aad Caaklaar Starrs Made at Hoot Wa aril thef Prrfrrt Stavea CINCY LOSES MILLIONS ANNUALLY Make yonr own terms We ask no security no reference and charge no A beautiful Perfect Steel Range set up in your house 82500 guaranteed KALOSHIN Fimrs CANDY KITCHEN -AT- Ppe- decora-tins will be features At the same lime the pastor will install the newly elected officers who are Johnson Superintendent' H- Lindsey and Klbert Astistanl Superintendents: Frank Erans Secretary Warden i reasurer rnrk Tihrsrian: James Blick Assistant Ijlirsrian-Mrs Williams Primary Sm permtendent PIKB STM RET Phonw South 1S33-R Business Man Says Absence of Independent Phone Onuses Business to Slip Away Tluctioii Sale of Fall Household Goods for Saturday and Monday wurtfa Galvanised foal llods 35c This sale This SOCIAL LEADER SUES HER- SISTER (By Dcripps-MsRM Prssa Aiseelatina) CHICAGO Oct lS-lutt tor dam Sara flled asalnat Mrs Rom Jack MrOna-nlglo Now York formerly loading aooloty woman of Kan wood by brr alatrr Mrs A Boy or to which no declaration or complaint was attached may darupt osa I th oldest South Bids families Every attempt Is being made to keep ihe facta secret and th com may aorrr g0 to trial Large rod Toilet Taper sale per 8o 19o All color Crepe Paper regular' price 19c This sale per Silver Dialed Teaspoons worth G9c This sale' on! eaosaeeeeeaeaaat siiiiMint FAMILY BAREFOOTED Dress Skirts new fall fashion worth $100 $2 23 Heavy Fleeced Shirts or Drawers blue or brown regular 50c Special 39C 33c Grade Heavy Fleeced Shirts or Dra wera Special sale of Wear Felt Shades Cloth Shades Gti Apron Gingham Full-size Cotton Blankets Sweaters all prires Editor Post Trade today fol-Iowa not the flag but the wire and hence the citylike Cincinnati that haa no communication with the independent telephone linea that lie like a network over the country finda that ita buaineaa la slipping away Your political boa system haa fattened on the venal generosity of the telephone monopoly for years anil Cox has been one of ita ardent henchmen and haa managed all these years to keep the yucen City for the Bell Goliath though the rest of Ohio is covered by the independents conservative estimate places the loss of business to Cincinnati annually at between $10000000 to $15000000 which she might enjoy whenevci the people wake up anil nemniin the admission of the Independent sen ice and knock Cox's off the city's throat WHOLESALE MERCHANT SPECIAL SALE IN WALL greatest value Imported Water Sets worth $175 This sale only 1 O80 DAYTON Oct Thomaa Slndorf his wife and tlirea children and John Rimpaun tnrlav wera ordered by ConaiHhl gum Johns to VHcate a camp In Harrison Township The woman ami her chll dren were barefooted and nearly frosen Slndorf said he hnd intended to camp all winter Men's Heavy Fleeced Underwear This sale each 3Do Fine Candies Per lOc So 8 Granite Tea Kettles worth 69c This worth Imported Wine Sets $125 This sale 48o Go MAJ STINE DIES DAYTON Ort THE pike St Word Inin bean received of the death of Mai Rtino formerly of thla cltv Washington llo was recoaniseil Am horlty on Vor hletory end wrote "The History of the Army of the rotomae" 1 i i.

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The Kentucky Post from Covington, Kentucky (2025)
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Author: Otha Schamberger

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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

Phone: +8557035444877

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.