The Kentucky Post from Covington, Kentucky (2025)

3 THE Commissioner's Sale KENTON CIRCUIT COURT Mary Lucas, exectr. Plaintiff: Gertrude Merkle et Defendant. Equity No. 37935. By virtue of a Judgment and Order Sale of the Kenton Circuit Court, rendered September 21, 1936, in the above cause I shall proceed to offer for sale at the Court House Door.

Covington, to the highest bidder at Public Auction, on Tuesday, the 13th day of October 1936, at 10 o'clock upon credit of four, eight and twelve months, the following property, to-wit: Situate, lying and being in the City Covington, County of Kenton and being the W. of Lot No. 15 in Block 16 in Johnston and Russell's Subdivision, fronting 25, feet on the N. side of Covington Avenue and from this point extending back northwardly between parallel lines 100 feet to an alley. This property located at 218 Covington Avenue.

Improvements--One story frame house, four rooms and bath. the the purchase price, purchaser, with approved surety or sureties. must execute bonds payable in three equal installments, four, eight and twelve months after date of sale and bearing interest at the rate of per annum. Purchaser will also be required to make a deposit of $25.00 with the Master to be applied to any expense occasioned by any default on his part. Bidders will be prepared to comply promptly wth these terms.

ELMER P. WARE Master Commissioner. Official Proceedings The regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the City of CovingKentucky, was called to order in Commissioners' Room Thursday morning, October 8th, 1936, at 9:30 M. Mayor Knollmann presiding with Commissioners. Beuttel, Culbertson, Meiman and City Manager Kluemper present.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as read. The City Recorder (Ritte) presented following: Bids opened and read for material to used in the reconstruction of Latonia Avenue between Southern Avenue and the corporation line south of 35th Street; 1500 cubic yards readymixed concrete. $7.50 per cubic yard, $11,250.00: bid split three ways to T. Spinks Tate Builders Supply Ready Mixed concrete, each receiving a contract for 500 cubic yards. Confirmed: Commissioners' Ordinance No.

2896: Ordering the improvement of Latonia Avenue from the north line of Southern Avenue to the corporation line south of 35th Street by reconstruction with grading, reinforced concrete paving and integral curb on the ten (10) year payment plan under the provisions the Kentucky Statutes. Section 3101. Second reading and passage of same. Commissioners' Ordinance No. 2897: An ordinance appropriating the sum five hundred ($500.00) dollars for the arrest and conviction of the slayer slavers of Frances Marie Brady.

Passed. Commissioners' Ordinance No. 2898: Exempting the property of the Tom Collins Corporation from taxation for municipal purposes for a period of five years on and after July 1, 1936. Passed. Commissioners' Ordinance No.

2899: Levying and assessing a local tax the cost of the improvement by original construction of Thirty-fifth Street from the east curb line of Southern Avenue to the east property line Graff Street in the City of Covington, Kentucky. with grading, reinforced concrete paving, with integral curb and concrete sidewalk on the north side only. Passed. Commissioners' Resolution No. 6617: Authorizing the Charles H.

Tompkins to enter into a subcontract with the Logan Company, of Louisville, Ky. Passed. Commissioners' Resolution No. 6618: Authorizing the Mayor and the City Manager to execute a contract for and on behalf of the City of Covington with J. J.

Weaver. of Ludlow, the supply of water to the Kenton Hills Water System. Passed. Application for curb cut by Dr. F.

Adams. 212 Southern Avenue. Granted. Application for Malt Beverage cense: Jerome O'Leary, 391 Altamont Road. Granted.

Invoice presented by George Beuttel. plumber, for work done at Children's Home in Devou Park, Park Hills, Referred to Manager and Solicitor. North American Service Company making application to erect a painted display sign within the city limits the City of Covington, across from Pike Street southwest. Referred week. Report of Plumbing Inspector for month of September, 1936, Received and filed.

Report of Market Master Sealer Gauger for month of September, Received and filed. Report of License Inspector month of September, Received and filed. Report of Police Court with fines. collected. amounting to $1044.00 for month of September, 1936, ceived and filed.

Application for Night Club Licenses: and 1016 10th Estil W. Street; Madison Greenup Jones, Mrs. Street. Avenue; 2nd Cecilia All Earl floor, rejected. Smart, 144 Berchfield, Transfer of Malt Beverage License from Albert Schwartz.

528 Madison, Thomas Murray, 105 Park Place. Granted. There being no further business meeting adjourned. H. A.

Mayor. Attest: W. H. RITTE, City Recorder. Commissioners' Resolution No.

6617 A Resolution Authorizing the Charles H. Tompkins Company to Enter Into a Sub-Contract With the Logan Company of Louisville, Kentucky. Be It Resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Covington, Kentucky: SECTION 1 That Charles r. Tompkins Company be. and they are hereby authorized to enter into a subcontract with The Logan Company of Louisville, Kentucky, for ornamental iron work on Contract.

of the Covington Filtration Plant. SECTION 2 The general contractor, Charles H. Tompkins Company, shall in no wise be relieved from any of their responsibilities and requirements set out in their contract. SECTION 3 That this authorization is subject to the approval of the State Director of Public Works Administration. SECTION 4 This resolution shall take effect and be in force, when passed, published and recorded according to law.

H. A. KNOLLMANN, Mayor. Attest: W. RITTE, City Recorder.

Commissioners' Resolution No. 6618 A Resolution Authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to Execute a Contract for and on Behalf of the City of Covington With J. J. Weaver of Ludlow, Kentucky, for the Supply of Water to the Kenton Hills Water System. Be It Resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Covington, Kentucky: SECTION 1 That H.

A. Knollmann, Mayor, and Theodore Kluemper, City Manager of the City of Covington be, and they are hereby authorized to execute a contract for and on behalf of the City of Covington, with J. J. Weaver of Ludlow, Kentucky, for the supply water to the Kenton Hills Water System, according to the terms and conditions thereof. which is attached hereto and made part hereof.

SECTION 2 This resolution shall take effect and be in force, when passed, published and recorded according to law. H. A. KNOLLMANN, Mayor. Attest: W.

H. RITTE, City Recorder, Commissioners' Ordinance No. 2898 An Ordinance Exempting Property of the Tom Collins Company From Taxation for Municipal Purposes for a Period of Five Years on and After July 1, 1936. Be It Resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Covington. Kentucky: SECTION 1 That as an inducement to the Tom Collins Corporation to locate its factory in the City of Covington, wherein it proposes to manufacture certain mixtures of beverages with property now owned by said corporation in its own name.

or which it acquires within a period of five years (5) and actually uses in connection with its manufacturing business, other than real estate. is hereby exempt from municipal taxation. SECTION 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force when passed. published and recorded according to law. H.

A. KNOLLMANN, Mayor. Attest: W. H. RITTE, City Recorder.

Page 21 OCT. 9, 1936. JURY MAY PROBE JAIL BREAK PLOT Tip to Acting Police Chief Upsets Wholesale Delivery Plan in Newport (Continued from Page One) closed only one bar in No. 4 cell had been sawed. The cut in the bar indicated the sawing was started last night.

Saw Blades Hidden The four saw blades were hidden on a ledge in the rear of tl the cell block. The bolts and nuts had been removed from the automatic locking device, which locks all cells on the tier simultaneously. The automatic locking device had been out of order for more than year. pancake turner, broken off and resembling an ice pick; two pocket knives, knives and forks, all jail utensils, and other pieces of iron, apparently broken from a stove in the bullpen, were found concealed in different parts of the tier. The prisoners, police believed, planned wrapping the bolts and nuts in socks and handkerchiefs and using them as blackjacks.

The wooden gun was very crude and not completed. Police believe prisoners planned using paints used by William McNutt, a prisoner and amateur artist, in painting the gun when it was completed. McNutt had been given paints, as he had painted a number of prisoners on oilcloth. Chief Livingston had all paints taken from McNutt. Outside "Tip" While Chief Livingston would not say where he obtained his "tip" on the planned delivery, it was said his information came from an outside source.

Chief Livingston said he would insist upon a more thorough search of articles entering the jail. All articles are to be searched by the police officer in charge and a second examination is made by the turnkey before the articles are taken to the jail. Since the return of Vice two weeks ago, Chief Livingston has not permitted Vice. Whitfield or several other prisoners to have visitors with other prisoners. Vice and Whitfield are separated from other prisoners when they have visitors.

Other Prisoners In addition to Whitfield, Vice and McNutt, the other state prisoners awaiting grand jury action on various charges are Robert Sayer, charged with robbery; Mick Dugan, robbery; John Schott, assault and battery from Dayton Police Court: Sherman Lee, child desertion; George Goeckler, chicken theft; Bruno Crocker and Charles Thacker. The county prisoners are Frank Featherstone, awaiting grand jury action on a robbery charge, Robert Bowline, robbery, and Harold Fry, failure to provide. The federal prisoners are Leo Leatherman and Edward Stone, charged with using the mails to defraud: Audley Miller, possession of a still, and Paul Cullum, John McBride, and Gordon Caple, automobile theft and robbery. Cullum, McBride and Caple were arrested at Williamstown two weeks ago for the alleged holdup of a deputy sheriff, whose wife shot at them. The city prisoner is Robert Dandels, serving a fine of $50 and costs for disorderly conduct.

STATE AND FEDERAL AIDES PRIVILEGED May Register Day Before or, on Day of Voting Special to The Post. HOPKINSVILLE, Oct. State and federal workers may register Nov. 2 or Nov. 3 and still be eligible to vote in the general election, Judge Ira D.

Smith ruled in Christian Circuit Court here yesterday. Maj. Joseph M. Kelly, assistant adjutant general, sought the ruling in a mandamus action filed against Frank H. Bassett, county clerk.

Maj. Kelly sought to force Mr. Bassett to allow him to vote without registering before the deadline. Between 500 and 600 persons are believed affected by the decision. A defense demurrer was overruled so that the case may be taken to the Court of Appeals.

Judge Smith pointed out the new registration law does not repeal a statute which permits any federal or state employe to register upon the day "immediately preceding, or on the day of any general, or special election upon making oath the effect he was absent from his place of residence on all general or special registration days during the current year." PHONE COMPANY SUED Failed to List $1,000,000 Property for Taxation, Is Claim VERSAILLES, Oct. 9. Charging the Lexington Telephone Co. and its affiliate, the Woodford Telephone failed to list taxation property aggregating $1,000,000, Sheriff A. B.

Dawson filed suit in Woodford county Court yesterday in behalf of the state. Property allegedly omitted from taxation for franchise purchases was valued at $200,000. The company was alleged to have made the omisa mission for five years. TWO WILLS ARE FILED Husbands Named Chief Beneficiaries of Wives' Estates The will of Mrs. Julia Meyer, probated yesterday in Kenton County Court, leaves her estate to her husband, Frederick Meyer, 27 E.

26th street. Covineton. John Cardosi, 109 E. Fifth street, Covington, was bequeathed the estate of his wife, Mrs. Annie Cardosi, whose will also was filed yesterday in Kenton County Court.

PROBE RETURNS TO BURGLARY Police Baffled, See No Other Explanation in Brady Murder Case (Continued from Page One) trix. The will, dated Oct. 16, was witnessed by Joseph S. Byrne, 3742 Parkline avenue, Cincinnati, and Rose Stattman, 3472 Knott avenue, Cincinnati, fellow employes of Miss Brady's at the R. B.

Manufac- turing Cincinnati. $50 for Masses The will is as follows: the undersigned, do hereby will and bequeath my entire estate both real and personal to sisters, Margaret Cecilia and Ella Celine Brady, and ask that out of the same, $50 be taken for masses for the repose of my soul. "Should contest this will the sum of shall be given to anyone, them." Rewards totaling $2500 have been offered to the person giving information leading to the arrest conviction of the murderer. and, state, county, city, John J. O'Donnell and Ben Stattman have offered $500 each.

Mr. O'Donnell was to be married last Wednesday to Miss Brady, Mr. Stattman, was Miss Brady's employe. Stattman is a niece of Mr. Stattman's.

Judge Goodenough said Frances' estate consists of little more than her one-third share in the Brady home. He said the will had been kept at the Brady home among personal effects. DEMOCRATIC MEETING SET Young Men and Women of Party to Hold Session Monday Night Young men and women voters will meet at Democratic headquarters, 410 Scott street, Covington, Monday at 8 p. R. J.

Kenkel, president of the Kenton County Young Men's Democratic Club, announced today. Mr. Kenkel urged all interested young voters to attend. Precincts and wards are to be organized in behalf of President Roosevelt and the other Democratic nominees. Commissioner's Sale KENTON CIRCUIT COURT Leonard Barton, Plaintiff; Julia (Jewell) Foley et Defendant, Equity No.

37426. ELMER P. WARE Master Commissioner. NOTICE By virtue of a Judgment and Order of Sale of the Kenton Circuit Court, rendered July 28, 1936. in the above cause I shall proceed to offer for sale at the Court House Door, Covington, to highest bidder at Public Auction.

cn Tuesday, the 13th day of October 1936, at 10 o'clock a. upon a credit of four, eight and twelve months, the following property, to-wit: Situated in the City of Covington, Kenton County, Kentucky. Beginning at a point in the south line of Third Street, feet west of alley running north and south between Greenup and Garrard Streets, at a point which was the center of the partition wall of a double house; thence westwardly along the south line of Third Street feet and from this front extending back southwardly at right angles and between parallel lines 90 feet. Also a strip or parcel of ground situated on the south side of Third Street in the City of Covington, Kenton County, Kentucky, bounded thus: Beginning at a point on the south side of Third Street 57 feet 6 inches west of the west line of an alley running north and south between Greenup and Garrard Streets: thence running east with the south line of Third Street 3 feet and extending thence between converging lines to a depth of 95 feet, it being the intention to give a width of 30 inches to the strip conveyed at a point 25 feet distant from Third Street, and also 30 inches in width at the rear of the strip. This property located at 213 E.

Third Street. Improvements--Two story brick house, five rooms and bath. Or sufficient thereof to produce the sums of money so ordered to be made, to-wit: $1356.60 with interest from November 24. 1934 and costs. For the purchase price, the purchaser, with approved surety or sureties, must execute bonds payable in three equal installments, four, eight and twelve months after date of sale and bearing interest at the rate of per annum.

Purchaser will also be required to make a deposit of $25.00 with the Master to be applied to any expense occasioned by any default on his part. Bidders will be prepared to comply promptly wth these terms. Sealed bids will be received by the Clerk of the Campbell County Fiscal Court for the purchase of a washing machine and gas cooking range to replace those now in use at the County Infirmary, Bids to state allowance, if any, for old machine and range. Bids to be in not later than 9:45 o'clock A. E.

S. October 19, 1936, Newport Court House, Newport, Kentucky. The Court reserves the right to 1 reject any and all bids. GEORGE J. KAUFMANN, Clerk.

By William Otting, D. C. ELECTRIC HEATER Full inch Chromium plated bowl. Gives the utmost in heat. $1.19 Shot Guns Single barrel with ejector automatic $6.59 Double barrel, ham $18.99 merless Marlin Repeating $19.89 Shotgun SHELLS 73c box I EGNER ARDWARE CO.

716-18 Madison Ave. Commissioners' Ordinance No. 2897 Ordinance Appropriating Sum Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars for the Arrest and Conviction of the Slayer or Slayers of Frances Marie Brady, WHEREAS, Frances Marie Brady was brutally slain on the morning of October 2, 1936, in the City of Covington, and WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient by the Board of Commissioners for the maintenance of peace and law within the City of Covington, that a reward for arrest and conviction of the' slayer ethe or slayers of Frances Marie Brady be offered, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD Commissioners' An Ordinance Levying and Assessing a Local Tax to Pay for the Cost of the Improvement by Original Construetion of Thirty-fifth Street From East Curb Line of Southern Avenue to East Property Line of Graff Street in the City of Covington, With Grading, Reinforced Concrete Paving With Integral Curb and Concrete Sidewalk on the North Side Only, Be It Ordained the Board of Commissioners of Covington, Kentucky: SECTION 1 That a local tax of $3.1675 on north side, $2.7675 on south side per front and abutting foot, be and the same is hereby levied and assessed upon all 1. Part of Lots 330, 331 and 332 in the north side of Thirty-fifth Street. 1100 Feet Concrete Paving 554.75 Sq.

Ft. Concrete Walk ALF 2. Lot 334 in Sehon's Subdivision, Thirty-fifth Street. 33.33 Feet Concrete Paving 166.65 Sq. Ft.

Concrete Walk KENTUCKY LOAN AND 3. Lot 335 in Sehon's Subdivision, Thirty-fifth Street. 33.33 Feet Concrete Paving 166.65 Sq. Ft. Concrete Walk CITIZENS FEDERAL LOAN 4.

Lot 336 in Sehon's Subdivision, Thirty-fifth Street. 33.33 Feet Concrete Paving 166.65 Sq. Ft. Concrete Walk KENTUCKY LOAN 5. Lots 337 and 338 in Sehon's side of Thirty-fifth Street.

49.31 Feet Concrete Paving 252.00 Sq. Ft. Concrete Walk COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF COVINGTON, KENTUCKY: SECTION 1 That there be and there is hereby appropriated the sum of Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars, to be paid the person or persons who furnish the necessary information or evidence for the arrest and conviction 1 of the slayer or slayers of Frances Marie Brady. Said sum shall be paid out of the General Fund of the City of Covington, upon certification by the proper officer that the person or persons furnished the necessary information or evidence, resulting in the arrest and conviction of the slayer or slayers. SECTION 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force when passed, published and recorded according to law.

H. A. KNOLLMANN, Mayor. Attest: W. H.

RITTE, City Recorder. Ordinance No. 2899 the lots, parts of lots and parcels of land fronting, abutting or bounding on each side of Thirty-fifth Street from East Curb Line of Southern Avenue to East Property Line of Graff Street in the City of Covington, and against the respective owners thereof, to pay for the cost of the improvement by original construction of said street, between said points with grading, reinforced concrete paving with integral curb and concrete sidewalk on the north side only, according to the ordinance ordering said improvement, which cost. including the city's portion, is levied, assessed and apportioned as follows: Sehon's Subdivision, fronting 100 feet on $2.7675 $276.75 0.08 44.38 $321.13 MACDONALD fronting 33.33 feat on the north side of $2.7675 92.24 0.08 13,33 $105.57 BUILDING ASSOCIATION fronting 33.33 feet on the north side of $2.7675 92.24 0.08 13.33 $105.57 BUILDING ASSOCIATION fronting 33.33 feet on the north side of 0 $2.7675 92.24 0.08 13.33 $105.57 BUILDING ASSOCIATION Subdivision, fronting 50.4 feet on the north $2.7675 $136.47 a 0.08 20.16 $156.63 JOHN MARCUM 6. Lots 343 to 347 Inclusive and unnumbered in Sehon's Subdivision, fronting 272.4 feet on the side of Thirty-fifth Street.

272.4 Feet Concrete Paving $2.7675 $753.87 LOUISVILLE AND 7. 60 Feet Concrete Paving, Intersection Labor. Materials and Equipment the Engineer's Report CITY OF SECTION This Ordinance shall take effect and recorded according to law. HENRY KNOLLMANN, Mayor. Attest: W.

H. RITTE, City Recorder. NOTICE To the Voters of Kenton County, Kentucky: The Fiscal Court of Kenton County has ordered an election to be held for the of issuing the county's bonds in purpose the sum of $50.000.00 for necessary repairs to the county infirmary. The order is as follows: Wherefore, it is ordered that an election be called for the purpose of authorizing the Fiscal Court to issue bonds of the county for a sum not exceeding $50,000.00 for the purpose of repairing and remodeling the county infirmary, said bonds to bear interest at a rate not exceeding 3 per cent per annum, payable serially $10,000.00 per for five (5) years, and to levy an year annual ad valorem tax on all of the taxaof the county sufficient for ble property the purpose of paying said interest on said bonds and of creating a sinking fund the ultimate redemption of such bonds for when due. further ordered that the clerk of It.

is shall have printed upon the this court regular ballot at the regular November election, November 3rd. 1936, the followquestion: "Are you in favor of the ing Court issuing $50,000.00 worth of Fiscal the county for the purpose of bonds of repairing and improving the Kenton County Infirmary, said bonds to be payable in not than five years from date of issue more and to bear interest not to exceed three per cent per annum and for the purof redeeming and paying off same pose to levy an ad valorem tax on all the taxaof the county sufficient for ble property the purpose of paying said interest on said bonds and creating sinking fund for the ultimate redemption of said bonds when due?" Yes No It is further ordered that the sheriff of the county will advertise said election and the object thereof for at least 30 days next before the day thereof in some in the county having the paper published largest circulation therein. LOUIS VOGT, Sheriff, Kenton County, Ky. PUBLIC HEARING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT On Tuesday, October 13, 1936, at 3:00 p. in the Law Library, Covington City Hall, Case No.

56 will be heard, wherein Mr. John W. Middendorf seeks permission to establish a funeral home on the premises at 215 East Southern Avenue. POST WANT ADS GET RESULTS. 5 Monuments $753.87 NASHVILLE RAILROAD CO.

$2.7675 166.06 as shown on 1040.71 $1206.77 COVINGTON 2 and be in force when passed, published I Funeral Directors JOHN W. CHARLES JOHN N. MIDDENDORF SONS MODERN FUNERAL HOME AMBULANCE SERVICE 917 Main Street HEmlock 1718 T. N. Rose, V.

S. Tumey, W. F. Richards. Allison Rose FUNERAL HOME Madison Ave.

at Robbins St. Covington, Ky. HEmlock 0146. SWINDLER FUNERAL HOME 214 W. Southern, Latonia.

HE. 3014. Branch, Independence, Ky. Ind. 80, 2 Death Notices GRAHAM--Marian sister of Ray Graham, Thursday, October 8, 1936, age 56 years.

Funeral services at the Swetnam Funeral Home, 1515 ScottCovington, Saturday, October 10, at 2:30 p. m. Interment Highland Cemetery. GRAVES Joseph Thursday, October 8, 1936, at the residence, Bartlett-av, Erlanger, age 87 years. Services at Taliaferro Funeral Home, Saturday, October 10, at 2:30 p.

m. Interment Highland Cemetery. HASKAMP- Elizabeth Mary (nee Overman), beloved wife of Herman F. Haskamp, of 1228 Wheeler-st, Covington, Thursday, October 8, 1936, age 71 years. Funeral Saturday, October 10, at the Linnemann Funeral Home, 25-27 East 11th-st, at 8:30 a.

m. Requiem High Mass at St. Joseph's Church at 9 A. m. Interment Mother of God Cemetery.

YOUNG Orbie Beatrice, California, passed away Friday, Oct. 9, 1936, at St. Elizabeth Hospital, aged 43 years. Funeral from Tharp Stith Funeral Home, 215 Sixth-av, Dayton, followed with services at Flaig Springs Baptist Church, Sunday, Oct. 11, 2 p.

m. Interment Grandview Cemetery. GEORGE B. J. Linnemann Sons FUNERAL HOME 25 East Eleventh St.

HEmlock 0557 DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE 5 Monuments RELIABLE MONUMENT CO. 530 Hodge Newport. 1618 Madison Cov. SOuth 3635. HEmlock 0384.

to DISCOUNT Hundreds of finished memorials to select from in all granites. Authorized dealers for the genuine ROCK OF AGES MEMORIALS identified as advertised, Crder now for future debonded and livery. Prices are advancing. NORTHERN KY. LARGEST MONUMENT ERECTORS.

8 Lost and Found BROWN UMBRELLA--Wednesday night at Derby Theater. Reward. Hilda Stephens, 3618 Decoursey-av, Latonia. 9 Notices $22 JACKPOT-20 SPECIALS GUEST TICKETS novelty lotto, Newport Eagles 2 for 25c 8th and York, Friday evening, No. 280, Oct.

9, at 8 p. 30 capitals, groceries; 10 door gifts, sugar; 5 free bingos, coffee, milk, sugar; low, coffee: ladies' men's, case of beer; full house bingo; 3 house specials; $2.50 on last Friday's names; 8:30 special. READ WHAT Bill Brown, Manager of Family Finance Covington, says every Wed. and Thurs. in these columns.

LOTTO TOMORROW NIGHT 513 SIXTH DAYTON, KY. JOLLY SIX BINGO AND FULL HOUSE Tonight, 8:30, 38th and Church, Latonia, given by the Veterans of Foreign Wars; 40 games, 20 door gifts, 5 specials, jackpot; all gifts cash: 2 cards 35c. Managed by LEN. DENTAL PLATES Repaired; aver. cost will call and deliver.

HE. 7431J. 226 E. 8th-st, Cov. 12 years' exp.

Work guar. PLAY LUCKY TONIGHT-1030 Washing. ton: 40 games, 5 prizes, 5 free bingos. gents' special, hall special. coverall.

bingos; all nice gifts: cards, 2 for 35c. KATE DAUGHERTY 10 Business Services Complete for WILL your room PAPER! $4.50 Wallpaper, 1c roll. Plastic Paper, roll F. H. STROTMAN SONS 1213 Banklick.

HEmlock 1716. ALL MAKE wasn machine repairing; standard parts used; work guaranteed; reasonable prices. Also used washers. SOuth 0549. Alland 1088J.

WEATHERSTRIP and caulking done rearonable. 111 16th-st, South Newport. Notices 9 Notices TRAINMEN TO DANCE J. P. Cahill The Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, Lodge 148, will hold its annual dance and social at the Gibson Hotel Roof Saturday night.

Harry Willsey's Orchestra will furnish the music. J. P. Cahill, of Ludlow, is general chairman. Deaths James W.

Quill James W. Quill, brother-in-law of Herbert Flutmus, superintendent of the Newport Waterworks, died early today at his home, 1135 Columbia street, Newport, following a long illness. He was 66. He leaves his widow, Mrs. Bessie Flutmus brother, ael, of Cincinnati.

and a sister, Mrs. Mary Poos, of Eaton, The funeral will be from the Vonderhaar Stetter funeral home, Newport, Monday morning, followed by Requiem High Mass at 9 a. m. at the Church of the Immaculate Conception. Burial will be in St.

Stephen Cemetery. For the past 25 years Mr. Quill operated a garage on W. Eighth street, Cincinnati. Miss Marian A.

Graham Funeral services for Miss Marian A. Graham, 3607 Glenn avenue. Covington, will be held at the M. L. Swetnam Sons funeral home, Covington, Saturday at 2:30 p.

m. Rev. Kelsey Regen will officiate. Burial will be in Highland Cemetery. Miss Graham died Thursday at St.

Elizabeth Hospital following a lingering illness. She was a daughter of the late George Graham, who operated a livery business in Covington for a number of years where the Woodford Apartments are now located. Joseph H. Graves Funeral services for Joseph H. Graves, Bartlett avenue.

Erlanger, will be held at the Taliaferro funeral home, Erlanger, Saturday at 2:30 p. m. Burial will be in Highland Cemetery. He was 87. Mr.

Graves died Thursday at his home following a long illness. He leaves one sister, Mrs. W. A. Price, Erlanger, and a number of nieces and nephews.

Miss Marian A. Graham Funeral services for Miss Marian A. Graham will be conducted at 2:30 p. m. tomorrow at the M.

L. Swetnam Sons funeral home, Covington, by Rev. Kelsey Regen, pastor of the Madison A Avenue Presbyterian Church. Burial will be in Highland Cemetery. Miss Graham, 56, died yesterday at St.

Elizabeth Hospital following a long illness. She lived at 3607 Glenn avenue, Covington. She leaves a brother, Raymond Graham, also of Covington. POULTRYMEN MEET AT MAYSVILLE. KY.

Special to The Post. MAYSVILLE, Oct. from two states and 13 counties gathered here yesterday, for the 13th annual poultry meeting at the W. E. Pyles poultry plant, 10 miles south of Maysville.

Emery G. Rogers, Mason county schools superintendent; Dr. J. Holmes Martin, head of the poultry department of the Kentucky Experiment Station, and Dr. T.

B. Polk. of the veterinary department of the station, spoke yesterday afternoon. A poultry- -judging contest was conducted, the contestants guessing how many eggs each of four hens laid last year. CASH LOANS "How cash helped us' "We needed $100 for my 1 husband's insurance-so when friend suggested you we came to your office.

You loaned us the $100-on our own signatures-and it's really easy to repay!" If cash will help you, come in or phone us TODAY. Loans up to $300-20 months to Pay Listen to "Your Unseen Friend" at 5 P.M. Sunday Afternoon: WKR PERSONAL FINANCE COMPANY OF KENTECKY. INCORPORATED NEWPORT-28 E. 8th St.

50. 5512. 1st Floor, K3. Loan Bide. Assn.

Bide. COVINGTON-18 Pike Room 206 Cohen 2nd Floor. HE. 1720. WOULD YOU TRUST YOUR LIFE ON A GUESS? To Adjust or Reline Brakes Without al Real Brake-Tester Is Guess Work--Don't Let Anyone Guess You Are Safe HAVE YOUR BRAKES TESTED FREE On Our Factory 4-Wheel Tester AUTO BRAKE CO.

107-109 East Second Street COVINGTON HEmlock 0937 At Suspension Bridge 13 Money to Loan 13 Money to Loan Auto Loans $10 TO $500 IN 10 LEGAL RATES EASY PAYMENT PLAN! 1936 LOAN VALUES 25 Loan-Pay $1.00 semi-montnly Ford Chev. Pontiac 1930 $125 $125 6125 $150 50 Loan-Pay $1.50 semi-monthly 1931 175 175 225 75. Loan-Pay $2.00 semi-monthly 1932 250 250 250 275 $100 Loan-Pay $3.00 semi-monthly 1933 300 300 300 330 1934 350 375 400 425 $150 Loan--Pay $4.00 semi-monthly 1935 450 475 500 550 $200 Loan--Pay $6.00 semi-monthly 1936 550 575 600 650 We can arrange a loan on, your 1929-1936 car. We will gladly your car and give you additional cash or reduce your present payments if too large. LOANS MADE IN KENTUCKY, OHIO, INDIANA CALL, WRITE OR PHONE--Our Representative Will Call! No Obligation! United Finance Co.

FOURTH AND SCOTT 3240. HEmlock COVANGTON, KY. READ WHAT Bill Brown, Manager of Family Finance Covington, says every Wed. and Thurs. in these columns.

13a Loans on Autos AUTO LOANS In 10 Minutes -or refinance and reduce your payments. Also arranged for additional money. tapebring Bill-of-Sale and get money, immediately while you wait. AUTO FINANCE SALES CO. 432 Scott Ky.

OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL, 8:30 20 Wanted to Rent STORE. ROOM -Must be good location; grocery and meat market; in Covington; reasonable rent. HEmlock 4676R. 5-ROOM modern house; garage. HEmlock 1769W.

22 Rooms COVINGTON-1814 Scott; sleeping 2d for business woman HE. 2970W. COVINGTON- Two rooms; private; 2d floor. 508 E. 21st-st.

DESIRABLE sleeping room; man or woman; employed. 1819 Greenup. FT. MITCHELL- Madison; half bik. end of car line, 21 Horse Branch Rd.

HOUSEKEEPING or sleeping rooms; large and airy; light, fireplace, telephone; private family; 2 adults. On 2 car lines: 5 minutes to terminal. D-4, Ky. Post. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING FRONT ROOMModern: 1041 Banklick-st.

Covington. MADISON, 1810-1 or 2 light. pleasant, ideal nicely furn; working couple. SLEEPING ROOM-1st floor front; meals if desired. 420 Russell-st, Covington.

23 Unfurnished Rooms unfurn. newly 8 everything furn. HE. 3069M, bet. 12-8 p.

m. 24 Apartments for Rent COVINGTON-618 Garrard; 6-room apartment: furnace, garage; $25. 721 GREENUP-5 rooms, 2d floor; modern except furnace; $17. 318 E. 13TH-3 rooms, 2d floor; modern except furnace; $15 107 E.

15TH-3-room' efficiency: $22.50. 214 E. THIRD-3 rooms, 2d floor; modern except furnace; $15. A. S.

RICE 1005 SCOTT. HEmlock 0595. BERRY-323; upper, 3 rooms, bath, good condition $15.00. MADISON-1522; lower, rooms, bath, furnace, references $27.00 SIXTH-115 East: upper or lower. 3 rooms, bath $1500.

Telephone HEmlock 0617-3515. -220 Kentucky-av; light rooms, 2d strictly beat furnished; adults preferred; reference required. hardwood fls, Kelvinator, $22.50. KLATCH, 80. 0475 cov.

Levassor-pl; 4-room apartment, Frigidaire. HEmlock 6306J. Scott; 4-rm. upper St. Louis; alcove, shades, heat: reasonable.

COVINGTON-Large, mod. 5-100m garage; heat; janitor; first floor. 1417 Greenup, PArkway 3497. COVINGTON-303 Bakewell; 2 nice rms. and bath, 2d floor.

213 West Third: 3 rms. and bath, 1st floor. SOuth 5298M. COVINGTON-1918 Oakland: 4 bath, furnace: 2d floor. Inquire 2237 Madison COVINGTON-2221 Oakland-av; 4-rm.

St. Louis: near car line: $30. 43 Houses for Sale 24 Apartments for Rent COVINGTON-334 West 7th; 3 2d priv. entrance; adults. COVINGTON-1314 Scott-st; 3 rooms.

Inquire 1045 Madison. HE. 1646R. COVINGTON-Modern 3-room flat; hard. furnace.

214 Garrard, Cov. COVINGTON 3d HEmlock flr. 722 2519W. Madison. COVINGTON 24 rooms; West 10th-st.

modern. Call COVINGTON738 W. Sixth-st; 2 rooms, bath; newly decorated. Decoursey; new 3-room lower garage optional; adults. NEWPORT-1st sec.

completely redecorated, electricity, bath, kitchen equipped, reference; $10 and 14. Call Mr. Fleck, WOodburn 5564J. NEWPORT-739 Ann-st; 3 $10; reference required. AVon 2837J.

NEWPORT-5-room modern flat. 1016 Central Call HEmlock 1710. 25 Houses tor Rent COTTAGE-4 rooms, modern except furclass condition: lovely $18. A. RICE 1005 SCOTT HE.0595 COVINGTON-Cottage; 4 rooms; modern.

Busse St. ERLANGER HEIGHTS- -Ridgeway-av; 6- rm. house; Ige. cistern; acre garden; ideal for chickens: $10 month. MA.

2990 FT. MITCHELL-7-room; 4 bedrooms: 2- car garage; furnished or unfurnished. 23 Virginia-av. FT. MITCHELL-6 rooms, 3 bedrooms, $50.


Ft. Thomas-av: 5 rooms. bath, furnace, modern, $35. Mr. Riches, SO.

5620. LATONIA- Beautiful 5 tile bath: large adults: $45. HE 7578J PARK HILLS-5 colonial; tile bath, hdwd. screened porch; $47.50, FT. MITCHELL REALTY CO.

HE. 1588. PARK HILLS-5-room brick, hardwood floors, tile bath, garage, screened porch, $47.50. HE. 1588.

PARK HILLS-5-rm very 901 Terrace-dr; close to school, church. ROSEDALE-4339 Huntington; 4 rooms; modern: furnace, built-in garage, bath; $25 a month. MAin 2990. S. FT.

MITCHELL-5 rooms, strictly modern. 127 Pleasant Ridge-av. 5-RM. 111 1 West Ninth. Inquire Madison, Covington.

26 Furnished Houses COV. priv. bath, everything furnished, complete, A1 cond. off of Madison. HE.

4638J. rooms, modern, adults, reasonable, good location, near cars. HEmlock 0263. COVINGTON-3-room attractive apartment. 1503 Greenup.

COVINGTON-1835 Scott; 2 rooms, front porch; private family; reasonable. COVINGTON-2-room light housekeeping. 2039 Madison-av. COVINGTON-Wallace-av: 4 rooms, excellent heated, adults. HE.

6594M. COVINGTON-3 rooms, furnished. 1713 Woodburn-av. 3 NICE ROOMS--Modern. 315 E.

Fifthst. HEmlock 4492M 28 Offices for Rent OFFICE--In Kentucky Post 20 ur.g heat, light furnished; reasonable. Geo. E. McAtee Inc.

dE. 1220. 29 Stores tor Rent 9a Coal and Fuel delivered: 10 Also logwood. HE. 7305.

14 Business Opportunities CAFE fixtures and license for sale, 1 with living quarters; cheap rent. 4209 Decoursey. Call HEmlock 1135. DELICATESSEN Fixtures, for sale; cheap rent. SMALL GROCERY--Living quarters; $200.

BENNETT REALTY 221 W. 34th. HE. 0367-5997M. DELICATESSEN-Gd.

well equipped; sell or trade for sm. house. HE. 3441. FIXTURES FOR 2-CHAIR BARBER SHOP -Call 1254 Highway-av, Covington.

15 Male Help Wanted COLLECTOR--For installment furniture business; experienced: must have automobile. Give reference. Apply J-1, care of Kentucky Post. EXPERIENCED FURNACE INSTALLER -For new installation work. Write Box A-4, care Kentucky Post 17 Female Help Wanted COLORED GIRL--Neat: part-time housework in small flat.

14 Audrey, Ludlow. GOOD, reliable middle-aged woman tor companion and light housework; mil time; more for a home than wages. 427 Russell, Covington. RELIABLE middle-aged lady, neat in 8D- pearance. as companion and to assist with light housework.

427 Russell, Covington. 19 Situa'ns Wanted, Female CAPABLE. well-poised woman desires posior practical nurse by as companion day. Call HE. 0433W from 7 to 9 p.

m. GERMAN woman wants cleaning or cooking by day. Kyle Lane and Highway Pike. LADY wants home in small family: light housework. 2614 James Covington.

HEmlock 0702W. YOUNG WOMAN wants housework: child care; day or part time: good reference. 608 Thomas, Covington. CALL HEMLOCK 1700 TO PLACE YOUR WANT AD IN NORTHERN KENTUCKY'S LEADING WANT AD MEDIUM EASTERN SEVENTEENTH Store, large rear room location, living rooms above. HEmlock 0617-3515.

STORE corner; heart of business district, Latonia; reasonable rent; modern; large windows, suitable for any business. HEmlock 3543M. STORE--At 507 Madison, Covington; good for any kind of business. 35 Household Goods BUY YOUR CIRCULATING and COAL HEATERS. KENTON, 126 PIKE, COAL HEATER Estate Gas Heater, Library Table.

504 E. 16th-st, Covington. COOK STOVE -Coal heating stove, winter ice box; good condition. 414 Delmar, ESTATE TABLE RANGE 954 Philadelphia-st, Covington. GAS RANGE Good condition.

2228 Busse-av, Covington. HOT-BLAST STOVE--Sell cheap. 3410 Graff-st, Latonia, NEW 9-piece walnut dining room suite: used 3 months; cheap; 3-piece over. stuffed bed-living room suite; 9x12 rug. 1028 Banklick-st, Covington.

PHILCO RADIO AND BABY BEDHEmlock 7962W. R. C. A. combination radio, gas range, dressing tabie.

Philco auto radio; reasonable. SOuth 0288. SELL US YOUR USED FURNITURE Best prices. 203 Pike. HE.

5035. TO SELL YOUR FURNITURE. Call HE. 8174W. $149 HORTON WASHER Good $139 Maytag, $39.50, good dition; Crosley refrigerator, 6 cubic feet, Philco console radio, 9-tube Crosley, new double Dexter washer, $99.50.

DINE'S, 530 Madison Covington. 43 Houses tor Sale OPEN FOR BUSINESS AGAIN The Kentucky Realty Co. 28 East 20th Covington HEmlock 5585 The same rellable hands trading or selling city and farm property,.

The Kentucky Post from Covington, Kentucky (2025)
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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.