More Kitchen Progress (2025)

So I'm coming in first place for taking the most time for kitchen projects, I know. It is taking longer than I expected, I mean this is not a large kitchen, what's my problem? While I sit here and try to think up some bogus excuses, I'll show you the progress so far and you have to promise not to be ultra critical. I'm baring a messy, unorganized, cluttered mess of a kitchen, so be gentle.

All oak cabinet lovers may want to step away from the blog, because they do not remain oak. Oak has left the building and gone back to 1994.

This is a good picture showing the cabinets in the 'before' stage as well as getting another look at the Bedford Gray wall color. Honestly, If I had done nothing else this was a great change and I really love it. If you are considering gray, Bedford Grey (Martha Stewart Paint) is my recommendation.

More Kitchen Progress (1)

If you remember, this is just a kitchen facelift, not a whole reno, so I'm working with the existing cabs and footprint of the kitchen. They layout is fine and the cabs are in great condition so we are working with what we've got...although the arch panel doors are still annoying me, but I'll deal.

More Kitchen Progress (2)

All doors are off, have been primed with two coats, and I've got the bottom cabinets painted and starting on the uppers tomorrow. My Mother-in-law gave up her whole weekend to help me paint and we got a lot accomplished, she was helping me stay out of the why-did-I-start-this state of mind, a big thanks to her for that. I slip into an "I'm overwhelmed" pool of pity more than I care to admit, she's great at throwing me a proverbial life preserver.

More Kitchen Progress (3)
More Kitchen Progress (4)

Drawers and doors everywhere, waiting for paint, the oak is all gone.

More Kitchen Progress (5)

Do you remember when I mentioned adding height to the cabinets? It is such a simple element but has added SO much. Here is the progress on one cabinet so far, it's still in the primer state here, but you can see how it's going to look already. Justin did all the work for me, a carpenter I am not. I found some beautiful corbels at Home Depot that will be going underneath, I can't wait to get those up, oh and the doors (har, har)

More Kitchen Progress (6)

We used 1X4's, very inexpensive.

More Kitchen Progress (7)

Crown molding, still manageable cost with such a small kitchen

More Kitchen Progress (8)

Up close, simple construction. Caulk and putty will handle any flaws. Anyway, like I said, everything is primed now, and I'll be sharing the painting progress later this week {hopefully!}.

More Kitchen Progress (9)

The black on the lower cabinets is looking really good. I painted the back door black too and the door to the garage is going to be painted with chalkboard paint, I know Logan will love that.

More Kitchen Progress (10)

Thanks so much for stopping by! We're getting closer!

More Kitchen Progress (11)

Wanted to answer a couple of questions from the comments.

How did we attach the 1x4's?

I'll try to explain it, I hope you can get a mental image. I'll use the one cabinet on the left of the window for example. The cabinet is 12 inches wide so Justin cut 3 boards (2x4's) 11 inches long. 2 for the edge of the top and one for the middle of the cabinet. The boards are laying on the edge of the top to the wall. He used liquid nail to secure the 2x4 boards and then nailed the 'addition' into the boards. He used a little liquid nail too. Does that make sense? I hope it does, let me know if I need to explain it better.

Did you sand or strip the cabinets before priming?

I washed the cabinets down really well with an ammonia and water solution to get all the grease and dirt off-I was actually surprised at how well ammonia cleans. I did not sand. I used Zinsser 1-2-3 primer that is formulated for shiny/slick surfaces, I bought it at the Home Depot. It is really nice and thick and I did two coats. I did sand in between coats with 120 grit and used a tac cloth to keep everything clean. Honestly, I think that is the real trick, sanding between coats because with what I've done so far the finish is super smooth, without any little paint goobers.

Paint brushes or sprayers?

I am using foam rollers because I don't like brush marks, the 4" rollers are working great especially on the face of the cabs but I am using a small 1" paint brush to get in to the corners. I thought about renting sprayers, but decided the cost wasn't worth it and the because I've never used a sprayer, I didn't want to 'practice' on the kitchen cabinets! :)

What color and brand paint are you using?

I am using the Martha Stewart Paint found at Home Depot. Colors used: Bedford Gray MSL246 (wall color), Tailor's Chalk MSL001 (Trim and Upper Cabinets) Silhouette, Martha Stewart paint (Bottom Cabinets)

Keep the questions coming!

More Kitchen Progress (12)

More Kitchen Progress (13)

More Kitchen Progress (2025)
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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.