400+ Korean Girl Names – List of Korean Girl Names and Meanings (2024)

by Chin Mae

Explore a diverse collection of 400+ Korean girl names with meanings. Discover traditional and modern Korean names, each with its unique significance. Find the perfect name for your baby girl from this comprehensive list of Korean girl names.


  • Top 400 Korean Girl Names and Their Meanings
  • List of Korean Baby Girl Names and Meanings
  • Popular Korean Girl Names
  • Unique and Rare Korean Girl Names
  • Cute Korean Girl Names
  • Korean Names for Girls with Cool Meanings
  • Powerful and Strong Korean Girl Names
  • Beautiful Korean Names for Girls
  • K-pop Korean Girl Names
  • Good Korean Girl Names
  • Even More Korean Girl Names
  • Choosing Korean Names for Girls

Top 400 Korean Girl Names and Their Meanings

Discover the top 400 Korean girl names along with their meanings. Explore a curated list of popular and meaningful Korean names to help you find the perfect name for your baby girl.

No.NameMeaningOriginZodiac Sign
1Seo-YeonFelicitous OmenKoreanAries
2Hye-JinWisdom and TruthKoreanTaurus
3Ji-WooWise and BeautifulKoreanGemini
4Eun-JiGrace and WisdomKoreanCancer
5Mi-YoungBeautiful FlowerKoreanLeo
6Yoo-JinPrecious and ValuableKoreanVirgo
7So-HeeGraceful and BeautifulKoreanLibra
8Min-JiClever and BrightKoreanScorpio
11Kyung-AeRespect and LoveKoreanAquarius
13Ae-ChaLoving DaughterKoreanAries
14Sun-HeeGoodness and PleasureKoreanTaurus
15Jin-HeeTruth and GraceKoreanGemini
16Hae-WonGraceful GardenKoreanCancer
17Yeon-JiBeautiful MelodyKoreanLeo
18Su-MinCharming and CleverKoreanVirgo
20Na-YoungGraceful and RefinedKoreanScorpio
21Hwa-YoungFlower PetalKoreanSagittarius
22Ji-HyunWisdom and BrightnessKoreanCapricorn
23Eui-JinGrace and TreasureKoreanAquarius
24Jae-KyungPure and NobleKoreanPisces
25Min-SeoClever and BeautifulKoreanAries
26Yeon-HeeGraceful and JoyousKoreanTaurus
27Hyun-JuWise and GracefulKoreanGemini
28Soo-MiBeauty and ClevernessKoreanCancer
29Yeon-SeoLotus FlowerKoreanLeo
30Ji-HyeWisdom and BeautyKoreanVirgo
31Bo-RaPrecious TreasureKoreanLibra
32Mi-KyungBeautiful and HonorableKoreanScorpio
33Soo-YeonCharming and GracefulKoreanSagittarius
34Joo-HeeBeautiful and JoyfulKoreanCapricorn
35Hee-JinJoyful and PreciousKoreanAquarius
36Eun-BiCharitable and LovelyKoreanPisces
38Yoo-MiBeauty and JoyKoreanTaurus
39Kyung-JaRespectable and CalmKoreanGemini
40Sang-MiBright and BeautifulKoreanCancer
41Jung-AhRighteous and BeautifulKoreanLeo
43Su-JiGraceful and WiseKoreanLibra
44Hyo-JinWise and PreciousKoreanScorpio
45Ji-AWisdom and LoveKoreanSagittarius
46So-YoungBeautiful and GentleKoreanCapricorn
47Eun-HeeGrace and PleasureKoreanAquarius
48Yeon-JooBeautiful and PreciousKoreanPisces
49Bo-YeonTreasured BeautyKoreanAries
50Chul-HeeWisdom and JoyKoreanTaurus

List of Korean Baby Girl Names and Meanings

Explore a comprehensive list of Korean baby girl names and their meanings. Find traditional and unique names for your little one, each with its special significance. Discover the perfect Korean name for your baby girl with our curated collection.

No.NameMeaningOriginZodiac Sign
1Ji-YeonGrace and CharmKoreanTaurus
2Ha-NaFlower and GraceKoreanGemini
3Eun-BinShining TreasureKoreanCancer
4Yoo-RiUnique and BeautifulKoreanLeo
5Bo-KyungPrecious and BrightKoreanVirgo
6Soo-AhElegant and DelicateKoreanLibra
7Rae-HyunClear Sky and RadiantKoreanScorpio
8Jin-AhTruth and HarmonyKoreanSagittarius
9Mi-SunBeautiful and KindKoreanCapricorn
10Yoon-JiGracious and WisdomKoreanAquarius
11Hee-YeonGraceful and BrightKoreanPisces
12Ji-MinWisdom and BeautyKoreanAries
13So-YoungRadiant and GentleKoreanTaurus
14Kyung-SoonRespectful and PurityKoreanGemini
15Ye-JiArtistic BeautyKoreanCancer
16Su-JinGraceful and TruthfulKoreanLeo
17In-HwaGraceful and HarmoniousKoreanVirgo
18Ji-AeWisdom and LoveKoreanLibra
19Eun-HaGrace and HarmonyKoreanScorpio
20Seul-GiSnow and JoyKoreanSagittarius
21Ji-YooWisdom and RadianceKoreanCapricorn
22Mi-RaBeautiful FutureKoreanAquarius
23Hye-SunShining VirtueKoreanPisces
24Na-YeongGraceful and BlossomingKoreanAries
25Kyung-MiRespected and BeautifulKoreanTaurus

Popular Korean Girl Names

Discover a collection of popular Korean girl names. Explore trendy and well-loved names with cultural significance, helping you choose the perfect name for your baby girl.

No.NameMeaningOriginZodiac Sign
2Soo-MinExcellent and CleverKoreanGemini
3Hae-WonGraceful GardenKoreanCancer
4Seo-YeonFelicitous OmenKoreanLeo
5Min-JiClever and BrightKoreanVirgo
6Yoo-JinPrecious and ValuableKoreanLibra
9Ji-AhWisdom and BeautifulKoreanCapricorn
10Eun-JiGrace and WisdomKoreanAquarius
11Ha-NaFlower and GraceKoreanPisces
12Yoon-JiGracious and WisdomKoreanAries
13So-HeeGraceful and BeautifulKoreanTaurus
14Ji-WonWisdom and BeautifulKoreanGemini
15Eun-BiCharitable and LovelyKoreanCancer
16Mi-YoungBeautiful FlowerKoreanLeo
17Ae-ChaLoving DaughterKoreanVirgo
18Yeon-JiBeautiful MelodyKoreanLibra
19Su-MinCharming and CleverKoreanScorpio
21Hae-JinRising SunKoreanCapricorn
22Ji-HyunWisdom and BrightnessKoreanAquarius
23Yoo-MiBeauty and JoyKoreanPisces
24Seul-GiSnow and JoyKoreanAries
25So-YeonCrystal ClearKoreanTaurus
26Kyung-HeeRespectful and JoyfulKoreanGemini
27Hye-RinWise and BeautifulKoreanCancer
28Jin-AhTruth and HarmonyKoreanLeo
29Eui-JinGrace and TreasureKoreanVirgo
30Ji-EunWisdom and KindnessKoreanLibra
31Na-YeongGraceful and BlossomingKoreanScorpio
32Su-JiGraceful and WiseKoreanSagittarius
33Hye-MinWise and CleverKoreanCapricorn
34Ji-MinWisdom and BeautyKoreanAquarius
35Ji-AeWisdom and LoveKoreanPisces
36Yeon-HeeGraceful and JoyousKoreanAries
37Soo-YeonCharming and GracefulKoreanTaurus
38Kyung-JaRespectable and CalmKoreanGemini
39Yoon-HeeGraceful and GentleKoreanCancer
40Hye-JooWise and BeautifulKoreanLeo
41Min-HeeClever and JoyfulKoreanVirgo
42Mi-JaBeautiful and GracefulKoreanLibra
43Na-YoungGraceful and RefinedKoreanScorpio
44Ji-YoungWisdom and CourageKoreanSagittarius
45Ji-YongWisdom and CourageKoreanCapricorn
46Eun-MiGrace and BeautyKoreanAquarius
47Seo-HeeAuspicious and GracefulKoreanPisces
48Yeon-JooBeautiful and PreciousKoreanAries
49Yoo-RimPrecious and BeautifulKoreanTaurus
50Hye-RiWisdom and GraceKoreanGemini

Unique and Rare Korean Girl Names

Explore a curated selection of unique and rare Korean girl names. Discover distinct and uncommon names with special meanings, providing a one-of-a-kind choice for your baby girl.

No.NameMeaningOriginZodiac Sign
2Ye-SeulArtistic and UniqueKoreanGemini
3Seul-BiPure RainKoreanCancer
4Soo-RinGentle and BeautifulKoreanLeo
5Hae-YoungEternal FlowerKoreanVirgo
6Eun-HyeGrace and WisdomKoreanLibra
7Ji-HaeWisdom and SunlightKoreanScorpio
8Min-AhClever and BeautifulKoreanSagittarius
9Sae-RomNew BeginningKoreanCapricorn
10Yeo-WoolBeautiful MoonKoreanAquarius
11Bok-HeeTreasure and JoyKoreanPisces
12Han-ByulRadiant StarKoreanAries
13Ae-YoungLove and HarmonyKoreanTaurus
14Su-JiGraceful and WisdomKoreanGemini
15Hye-MiShining BeautyKoreanCancer
16Eun-SooGentle and Crystal ClearKoreanLeo
17Ji-YeonGracious BlossomKoreanVirgo
18Mi-RaeBeautiful FutureKoreanLibra
19Ye-JinArtistic PearlKoreanScorpio
20Ran-HeeOrchid GraceKoreanSagittarius
21Seo-YeonAuspicious LotusKoreanCapricorn
22Eui-RinRadiant GemKoreanAquarius
23Na-YoungGraceful BlossomKoreanPisces
24Jin-APrecious and BrightKoreanAries
25Ga-EulGraceful and Gentle RainKoreanTaurus
26Yoo-JungPrecious and VitalityKoreanGemini
27Sol-MiBeautiful and GraciousKoreanCancer
28Ae-RiLoving and BeautifulKoreanLeo
29Hee-YeonGraceful and BlossomingKoreanVirgo
30Min-JaeClever and Bright FutureKoreanLibra
31Yeon-HwaBlossoming GraceKoreanScorpio
32Hye-JungShining and VitalityKoreanSagittarius
33Ji-EunWisdom and KindnessKoreanCapricorn
34Sa-RangLove and AffectionKoreanAquarius
35Hwa-YoungFlower Petal GraceKoreanPisces
36Bo-NaPrecious and ElegantKoreanAries
37Seo-HeeAuspicious and GracefulKoreanTaurus
38Su-BinGraceful PhoenixKoreanGemini
39Ah-ReumBeautiful BlossomKoreanCancer
40Min-SeoClever and Graceful BeautyKoreanLeo
41Eun-AeGraceful LoveKoreanVirgo
42Hye-RimShining ForestKoreanLibra
43Yoo-NaGraceful and ElegantKoreanScorpio
44Eui-KyungRadiant and NobleKoreanSagittarius
45Jae-EunShining GraceKoreanCapricorn
46Ji-YoungWisdom and PurityKoreanAquarius
47So-HeeGraceful and HarmoniousKoreanPisces
48Na-RaeRadiant SunshineKoreanAries
49Ha-YeonGraceful LotusKoreanTaurus
50Yeon-JuBlossoming BeautyKoreanGemini

Cute Korean Girl Names

Find adorable and cute Korean girl names for your little one. Explore a charming collection of names with endearing meanings, helping you choose a sweet and lovable name for your baby girl.

No.NameMeaningOriginZodiac Sign
1Yeon-MiBeautiful SmileKoreanTaurus
2Min-JooPrecious and SoftKoreanGemini
3NariLily of the SeaKoreanCancer
4Bo-RiShining BeautyKoreanLeo
5HaeunGraceful CloudKoreanVirgo
6Joo-MiGentle BeautyKoreanLibra
7Ji-EunWisdom and KindnessKoreanScorpio
8Soo-MinGraceful and CleverKoreanSagittarius
9Mi-SoBeautiful SmileKoreanCapricorn
10Ae-RiLoving and BeautifulKoreanAquarius
11YumiBeautiful ArcheryKoreanPisces
12Yoo-NaTender and GentleKoreanAries
13Rae-HeeClear and BrightKoreanTaurus
14Han-BitRay of SunshineKoreanGemini
15AraBeautiful FlowerKoreanCancer
16Eun-BiKind and LovelyKoreanLeo
17JiaBeautiful AdditionKoreanVirgo
19So-HeePetite and GracefulKoreanScorpio
20Da-YeongBright and ClearKoreanSagittarius
21Ye-WonBeautiful GardenKoreanCapricorn
22Hee-JiJoyful WisdomKoreanAquarius
23Chae-RinA Lovely PersonKoreanPisces
24Hye-SooGentle and GracefulKoreanAries
25Min-HaBeautiful SummerKoreanTaurus
26Ji-MinWisdom and BeautyKoreanGemini
27Eun-HaeGraceful OceanKoreanCancer
28Ji-AhBeautiful LoveKoreanLeo
29Sae-RomNew and LovelyKoreanVirgo
30Yoo-JungTender and BeautifulKoreanLibra
31Min-JiClever and GentleKoreanScorpio
32Su-YeonGentle and PureKoreanSagittarius
33Seo-YeonFelicitous OmenKoreanCapricorn
34So-RiCrystal ClearKoreanAquarius
35Ji-YooWisdom and JoyKoreanPisces
36Hye-RimWise ForestKoreanAries
37Seul-GiSnow and JoyKoreanTaurus
38Yeon-JooBeautiful and PreciousKoreanGemini
39Seo-HeeAuspicious and GracefulKoreanCancer
40Ae-ChaLoving DaughterKoreanLeo
41Sun-HeeGoodness and PleasureKoreanVirgo
42Yeon-AhBeautiful HarmonyKoreanLibra
43Mi-AhBeautiful ChildKoreanScorpio
45Ji-YeonGrace and CharmKoreanCapricorn
46Han-NaGracious and ElegantKoreanAquarius
47Soo-MiBeauty and WisdomKoreanPisces
48Jin-AhTruth and HarmonyKoreanAries
49Bo-BaePrecious TreasureKoreanTaurus
50Eui-JinGrace and TreasureKoreanGemini
51Ae-RaLove and GraceKoreanCancer

Korean Names for Girls with Cool Meanings

Explore Korean names for girls with cool meanings. Discover a collection of trendy and meaningful names, providing a stylish and impactful choice for your baby girl. Find the perfect name with a touch of coolness and cultural significance.

No.NameMeaningOriginZodiac Sign
1Ji-Yeon (지연)Gracious and beautifulKoreanAries
2Eun-ji (은지)Grace and wisdomKoreanLeo
3Hae-Won (해원)Graceful gardenKoreanPisces
4Min-Ji (민지)Clever and smartKoreanVirgo
5Seo-Yeon (서연)Beautiful and gentleKoreanLibra
6Yoo-Jin (유진)Valuable and preciousKoreanGemini
7Ae-Ri (애리)Loving and beautifulKoreanCancer
8Soo-Min (수민)Outstanding and cleverKoreanScorpio
9Kyung-Hee (경희)Respected and joyfulKoreanSagittarius
10Jin-A (진아)Truth and beautyKoreanCapricorn
11Mi-Young (미영)Beautiful flowerKoreanTaurus
12Sae-Bom (새봄)New and fresh like springKoreanAquarius
13Ha-Na (하나)One and onlyKoreanLeo
14Yeon-Hee (연희)Graceful and shiningKoreanPisces
15Chae-Won (채원)Youthful and brightKoreanLibra
16So-Hee (소희)Elegant and gracefulKoreanVirgo
17Hye-Jin (혜진)Wise and truthfulKoreanSagittarius
18Ji-Min (지민)Precious gemKoreanGemini
19Na-Ri (나리)Lily flowerKoreanCancer
20Su-Yeon (수연)Graceful and kindKoreanScorpio
21Yeon-Ju (연주)Beautiful melodyKoreanCapricorn
22Bo-Mi (보미)Beautiful and preciousKoreanAries
23Na-Ra (나라)Nation and beautifulKoreanLeo
24Hwa-Young (화영)Beautiful flowerKoreanPisces
25Eun-Ha (은하)Graceful and smoothKoreanLibra
26Yeon-Woo (연우)Beautiful and talentedKoreanVirgo
27Ji-Ae (지애)Wisdom and loveKoreanSagittarius
28Seul-Gi (슬기)Wise and intelligentKoreanGemini
29Hyo-Jin (효진)Filial and preciousKoreanCancer
30Mi-Ra (미라)Beautiful futureKoreanScorpio
31Ji-Won (지원)Graceful and talentedKoreanCapricorn
32Ae-Cha (애차)Loving daughterKoreanAries
33Hye-Rim (혜림)Wise and beautifulKoreanLeo
34Yeon-Mi (연미)Beautiful and delicateKoreanPisces
35So-Ra (소라)Conch shell; peacefulKoreanLibra
36Hee-Jung (희정)Joy and righteousnessKoreanVirgo
37Ji-Hae (지해)Wisdom and brightnessKoreanSagittarius
38Eui-Jin (의진)Grace and treasureKoreanGemini
39Soo-Ji (수지)Water and wisdomKoreanCancer
40Hyo-Ri (효리)Filial and pear treeKoreanScorpio
41Jae-Kyung (재경)Respect and brightnessKoreanCapricorn
42Eun-Hye (은혜)Grace and kindnessKoreanAries
43Su-Bin (수빈)Clear waterKoreanLeo
44Bora (보라)Purple; beautifulKoreanPisces
45Seo-Yeon (서연)Elegant and beautifulKoreanLibra
46Yeon-Hwa (연화)Lotus flowerKoreanVirgo
47Jin-Hee (진희)Truth and graceKoreanSagittarius
48Hwa-Ran (화란)Beautiful orchidKoreanGemini
49Min-Seo (민서)Clever and beautifulKoreanCancer
50Yeon-Ji (연지)Beautiful and wiseKoreanScorpio

Powerful and Strong Korean Girl Names

Discover powerful and strong Korean girl names for your child. Explore a collection of names with robust meanings, evoking strength, resilience, and impact. Choose a name that resonates with power and significance for your baby girl.

  1. Hyejin (혜진)
    • Meaning: Bright and precious
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Leo
  2. Ae-Jin (애진)
    • Meaning: Love and treasure
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Cancer
  3. Suyeon (수연)
    • Meaning: Graceful and beautiful
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Libra
  4. Minji (민지)
    • Meaning: Clever and quick-witted
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Gemini
  5. Yeowon (여원)
    • Meaning: Beautiful and gracious
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Taurus
  6. Ji-Yeon (지연)
    • Meaning: Gracious and beautiful
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Libra
  7. Hana (하나)
    • Meaning: One, first
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Aries
  8. Sooyoung (수영)
    • Meaning: Swimming or beautiful
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Pisces
  9. Kyung-Ae (경애)
    • Meaning: Respect and love
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
  10. Ji-Min (지민)
    • Meaning: Wisdom and quickness
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Gemini
  11. Eun-Hee (은희)
    • Meaning: Grace and pleasure
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Virgo
  12. Boram (보람)
    • Meaning: Precious and valuable
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Leo
  13. Seulgi (슬기)
    • Meaning: Wisdom and smartness
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Virgo
  14. Yunseo (윤서)
    • Meaning: Beautiful kindness
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Pisces
  15. Mi-Young (미영)
    • Meaning: Beautiful and forever
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
  16. Jin-A (진아)
    • Meaning: Truth and beauty
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Libra
  17. Hye-Rim (혜림)
    • Meaning: Wise forest
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
  18. Sun-Hee (선희)
    • Meaning: Goodness and pleasure
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Libra
  19. Ara (아라)
    • Meaning: Beautiful and good
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Cancer
  20. Ji-Hye (지혜)
    • Meaning: Wisdom and intelligence
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Virgo
  21. Hayeon (하연)
    • Meaning: Clear and bright
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Gemini
  22. Min-Ah (민아)
    • Meaning: Clever and beautiful
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
  23. Yeonwoo (연우)
    • Meaning: Gentle and beautiful
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Taurus
  24. Seo-Yeon (서연)
    • Meaning: Graceful and beautiful
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Libra
  25. Yuna (유나)
    • Meaning: Gentle and soft
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Pisces
  26. Hye-Won (혜원)
    • Meaning: Shining and beautiful
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Leo
  27. Joo-Hee (주희)
    • Meaning: Gentle and joyful
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
  28. Eun-Ji (은지)
    • Meaning: Grace and wisdom
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Virgo
  29. Min-Young (민영)
    • Meaning: Clever and brave
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Aries
  30. Na-Ra (나라)
    • Meaning: Country and nation
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Cancer
  31. Ji-Yoo (지유)
    • Meaning: Wisdom and abundance
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
  32. Seung-Hee (승희)
    • Meaning: Winning and pleasure
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
  33. Soo-Min (수민)
    • Meaning: Excellent and clever
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Gemini
  34. Hee-Jin (희진)
    • Meaning: Grace and treasure
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Libra
  35. Yeon-Ji (연지)
    • Meaning: Beautiful and wise
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Virgo
  36. Da-Hye (다혜)
    • Meaning: Loving and graceful
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Libra
  37. So-Ra (소라)
    • Meaning: Conch shell and grace
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Libra
  38. Seo-Yun (서윤)
    • Meaning: Auspicious and beautiful
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Taurus
  39. Jin-Hee (진희)
    • Meaning: Truth and pleasure
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
  40. Sun-Mi (선미)
    • Meaning: Goodness and beauty
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Libra
  41. Eun-Bi (은비)
    • Meaning: Kindness and beauty
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Libra
  42. Ha-Na (하나)
    • Meaning: Flower and grace
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Aries
  43. Ye-Eun (예은)
    • Meaning: Beautiful grace
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Pisces
  44. Jae-Kyung (재경)
    • Meaning: Respect and brightness
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
  45. Yoo-Jin (유진)
    • Meaning: Abundant treasure
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

Beautiful Korean Names for Girls

Explore a selection of beautiful Korean names for girls, each carrying elegance and meaning. Find the perfect name that combines aesthetic charm with cultural significance for your baby girl.

NameMeaningOriginZodiac Sign
Seo-Yeon (서연)Gracious and beautifulKoreanLibra
Ji-Ah (지아)Wisdom and beautyKoreanVirgo
Ha-Nul (하늘)Sky or heavensKoreanAquarius
Yeon-Hwa (연화)Blossoming beautyKoreanTaurus
Ae-Ri (애리)Love and beautyKoreanLibra
Min-Seo (민서)Clever and beautifulKoreanScorpio
Eun-Bee (은비)Kind and beautifulKoreanLibra
Nari (나리)LilyKoreanCancer
Yeon-Joo (연주)Beautiful melodyKoreanPisces
Hwa-Yeon (화연)Beautiful flowerKoreanLibra
So-Hee (소희)Graceful and joyfulKoreanSagittarius
Da-Som (네 – 그렇죠)Love and pureKoreanCancer
Su-Ji (수지)Graceful and wiseKoreanLibra
Haeun (하은)Graceful and gentleKoreanLibra
Jin-Sol (진솔)Truthful and pureKoreanSagittarius
Yeon-Hee (연희)Beautiful graceKoreanLibra
Su-Min (수민)Graceful and cleverKoreanGemini
Mi-Rae (미래)Beautiful futureKoreanSagittarius
Seul-Bi (슬비)Snow and beautyKoreanCapricorn
Yoo-Ri (유리)Glass, beautifulKoreanPisces
Min-A (민아)Clever and elegantKoreanScorpio
Na-Yeon (나연)Graceful and pureKoreanLibra
Seo-Yun (서윤)Auspicious and beautifulKoreanTaurus
Yoo-Jin (유진)Abundant treasureKoreanAquarius
Su-Bin (수빈)Graceful and refinedKoreanLibra
Hye-Jin (혜진)Bright and preciousKoreanLeo
Eun-Ha (은하)Graceful galaxyKoreanLibra
Seo-Mi (서미)Beautiful and delicateKoreanPisces
Ji-Yoo (지유)Wisdom and abundanceKoreanAquarius
Eun-Soo (은수)Graceful waterKoreanPisces

K-pop Korean Girl Names

Explore a collection of K-pop Korean girl names, inspired by the vibrant world of Korean pop music. Discover trendy and popular names that reflect the influence of K-pop culture, providing a stylish and modern choice for your baby girl.

Name (English)Name (Korean)MeaningOriginZodiac Sign
Jiyeon지연Graceful and BeautifulKoreanPisces
Haeun하은Grace and KindnessKoreanLibra
Yuna유나Gentle and KindKoreanCapricorn
Sohee소희Glorious and GracefulKoreanGemini
Minji민지Gentle and WiseKoreanVirgo
Ara아라Beautiful and GoodKoreanSagittarius
Jisoo지수Pretty and CharmingKoreanCancer
Hayoung하영Beautiful and RadiantKoreanLeo
Seulgi슬기Wisdom and GraceKoreanAquarius
Eunbi은비Kindness and BeautyKoreanTaurus
Nari나리Lily FlowerKoreanScorpio
Jiwon지원Graceful and BeautifulKoreanPisces
Soomin수민Gentle and CleverKoreanLibra
Hyejin혜진Bright and PreciousKoreanCapricorn
Yeonwoo연우Beautiful and EnchantingKoreanGemini
Chaewon채원Graceful and PureKoreanVirgo
Soyeon소연Graceful and CharmingKoreanSagittarius
Jina지나Lovely and PreciousKoreanCancer
Yujin유진Gentle and ValuableKoreanLeo
Eunha은하Kind and BeautifulKoreanAquarius
Saeun새운Graceful and ElegantKoreanTaurus
Dasom다솜Love and BeautyKoreanScorpio
Jinhee진희Precious and BrightKoreanPisces
Yerin예린Lovely and SincereKoreanLibra
Minah민아Gentle and ElegantKoreanCapricorn
Yeji예지Grace and WisdomKoreanGemini
Nayeon나연Bright and PureKoreanVirgo
Hayeon하연Graceful and BeautifulKoreanSagittarius
Somi소미Charming and GracefulKoreanCancer
Wonyoung원영Beautiful and EverlastingKoreanLeo

Good Korean Girl Names

Discover a compilation of good Korean girl names. Explore a diverse selection of names with positive meanings and qualities, helping you find the perfect and meaningful name for your baby girl.

  1. Ara (아라)
    • Meaning: “Beautiful”
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Aries
  2. Bomi (보미)
    • Meaning: “Beautiful spring”
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Taurus
  3. Chae-won (채원)
    • Meaning: “Graceful and beautiful”
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Gemini
  4. Da-eun (다은)
    • Meaning: “Kind and graceful”
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Cancer
  5. Eun-ji (은지)
    • Meaning: “Kind and wise”
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Leo
  6. Haeun (하은)
    • Meaning: “Graceful and shining”
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Virgo
  7. Iseul (이슬)
    • Meaning: “Dewdrop”
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Libra
  8. Ji-woo (지우)
    • Meaning: “Loving and affectionate”
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
  9. Kyeong (경)
    • Meaning: “Respected”
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
  10. Mi-kyung (미경)
    • Meaning: “Beautiful and bright”
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
  11. Nari (나리)
    • Meaning: “Lily”
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
  12. Okyeong (옥영)
    • Meaning: “Jade flower”
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Pisces
  13. Soo-min (수민)
    • Meaning: “Graceful and clever”
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Aries
  14. Hana (하나)
    • Meaning: “Flower”
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Taurus
  15. Ji-yoon (지윤)
    • Meaning: “Gentle and honest”
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Gemini
  16. Kyung-soon (경순)
    • Meaning: “Respectful and mild”
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Cancer
  17. Min-seo (민서)
    • Meaning: “Clever and beautiful”
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Leo
  18. Sun-Hee (선희)
    • Meaning: “Goodness and joy”
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Virgo
  19. Yeon (연)
    • Meaning: “Beautiful blossom”
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Libra
  20. Yuri (유리)
    • Meaning: “Glass”
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
  21. Jin-ah (진아)
    • Meaning: “Precious”
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
  22. Bo-kyung (보경)
    • Meaning: “Precious and bright”
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
  23. Seul-gi (슬기)
    • Meaning: “Wisdom”
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
  24. Hye-jin (혜진)
    • Meaning: “Wise and truthful”
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Pisces
  25. Soo-yeon (수연)
    • Meaning: “Graceful and gentle”
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Aries
  26. Young-mi (영미)
    • Meaning: “Eternal beauty”
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Taurus
  27. Ji-hyun (지현)
    • Meaning: “Wisdom and brightness”
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Gemini
  28. Na-ri (나리)
    • Meaning: “Beautiful and elegant”
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Cancer
  29. Eun-bin (은빈)
    • Meaning: “Graceful and refined”
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Leo
  30. Seo-yeon (서연)
    • Meaning: “Beautiful and delicate”
    • Origin: Korean
    • Zodiac Sign: Virgo

Even More Korean Girl Names

Explore even more Korean girl names, offering a diverse range of choices for your consideration. Find additional options with various meanings and cultural significance to help you discover the ideal name for your baby girl.

English NameKorean NameMeaningOriginZodiac Sign
Ji-Yeon지연Beautiful and gracefulKoreanLibra
Hae-Won해원Graceful gardenKoreanPisces
Eun-Bi은비Gracious and kindKoreanVirgo
Min-Ji민지Clever and smartKoreanGemini
So-Hee소희Grace and beautyKoreanLibra
Yoo-Jin유진Precious and valuableKoreanTaurus
Ji-Ah지아Wisdom and graceKoreanSagittarius
Ara아라Beautiful and goodKoreanCancer
Seo-Yeon서연Felicitous omenKoreanLeo
Ha-Na하나Blooming flowerKoreanAquarius
Kyung-Mi경미Honored and beautifulKoreanCapricorn
Mi-Young미영Everlasting beautyKoreanLibra
Ye-Jin예진Precious and valuableKoreanPisces
Sun-Hee선희Goodness and pleasureKoreanTaurus
Bo-Mi보미Beautiful and lovelyKoreanGemini
Ji-Min지민Truthful and cleverKoreanSagittarius
Hyun-Ah현아Wise and beautifulKoreanCancer
Eun-Ji은지Kind and lovingKoreanLeo
So-Min소민Beautiful and cleverKoreanScorpio
Yeon-Ju연주Beautiful and gracefulKoreanAquarius
Jin-A진아Graceful and elegantKoreanCapricorn
Hee-Ran희란Graceful orchidKoreanLibra
Chae-Won채원Beginning of graceKoreanPisces
Yeon-Hwa연화Lotus flowerKoreanTaurus
Soo-Jin수진Exceptional and preciousKoreanGemini
Min-Ah민아Clever and beautifulKoreanSagittarius
Na-Ra나라Elegant and beautifulKoreanCancer
Jae-Kyung재경Pure and righteousKoreanLeo
Seul-Gi슬기Wisdom and joyKoreanScorpio
Yeon-Seo연서Graceful and honestKoreanAquarius
Hye-Jin혜진Bright and intelligentKoreanCapricorn
Joo-Hee주희Gentle and joyousKoreanLibra
Su-Min수민Graceful and cleverKoreanPisces
Woo-Ri우리Joy and happinessKoreanTaurus

Choosing Korean Names for Girls

When choosing a Korean name for a girl, it’s important to consider the meaning and pronunciation. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Jiyeon (지연): This name means “grace” and is quite popular in Korea.
  2. Seo-Yeon (서연): It combines “seo” meaning “auspicious” or “felicitous” with “yeon” meaning “beautiful.”
  3. Minji (민지): “Min” means “gentle” or “clever,” and “ji” means “wisdom.”
  4. Haeun (하은): “Ha” means “summer,” and “eun” means “kindness” or “charity.”
  5. Yuna (유나): This name can mean “gentle” or “soft” and is quite popular in Korea.
  6. Sooyoung (수영): It means “swimming” or “fluent” and can also be interpreted as “charming.”
  7. Ara (아라): This name means “beautiful” or “graceful.”
  8. Jiwoo (지우): “Ji” means “wisdom,” and “woo” means “help” or “assistance.”
  9. Heejin (희진): “Hee” means “joy,” and “jin” means “precious” or “treasure.”
  10. Kyungmi (경미): “Kyung” means “respect” or “honored,” and “mi” means “beautiful.”

Remember to consider the cultural significance and the harmony of the sounds when choosing a name. It’s also a good idea to consult with native Korean speakers or use online resources to ensure the name is appropriate and well-received in Korean culture.

Also, see

Korean Boy Names

400+ Korean Girl Names – List of Korean Girl Names and Meanings (2024)
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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.